Different but very complementary to one another!..... “Big fish, bold fish, hunger fish, goldfish”… Strange Fish
Redden is a passionate young artist who has made quite a name for himself in Barcelona, as he
has been an artist in residence there for the last year. Mark, no stranger to travel has worked in the art work to show, educate and give a voice to the poor as an artist. He is not afraid to get down and dirty, after his love of the arts his second love is one for boats and building the much loved currach. He has worked with the underprivileged in places like Bolivia, Korea, and Morocco as well Tasmania. Redden has a great love of the environment and “waste not want not” attitude often one will see with Marks canvas that they have been stitched by hand to waste not a piece of canvas. This give a great feel with the tick brush strokes to put life back into the raw canvas. An Art Degree student of the Crawford gallery in Cork and the only Contempory Irish artist to have received awards in boat building.
Campbell uses lots of different mediums in his art from cappuccino with charcoal to oil on canvas, he is inspired by the circus and its many different dimensions. He always questions life and the consumer rat race; his works will make you smile and brings out the naive child in us all. It also is thought provoking; it is ever changing with its bold colours. Campbell’s work is very recognizable because he has a very independent style. As a child Tom ambition was to be a pilot, but as he wears glasses, that was not to be. Now an artist by nature his passion is art in all its colour and glory. Campbell’s work is different and very interesting.
“The paintings are abstract but with a strong animal presence. They are hot upbeat and pulsing energy”….......... Sunday Post
“Redden work is new and boldly passionate like the man.!!!!”…………….Bold art gallery
“Redden work is new and boldly passionate like the man.!!!!”…………….Bold art gallery