Philip Gray was born in Cork and lived here until he turned six, then his parents, Albert and Wendy decided to move to Dublin for a few years. Without doubt his passion for the sea can be traced back to his childhood in Cork. He inherited his creative and adventurous spirit from his mother’s side of the family, a lineage that very fittingly nurtured both sailors and artists. Among his siblings there is a graphic designer and an interior designer, so creativity is certainly in the blood.

"Journey Of Life"
By his very nature, he is an opportunist, so he was determined to test the possibilities and the potential of his art in the marketplace. His vision was to use his art to develop a print collection thereby allowing him to further pursue his desire to become a full-time artist and at the same time secure the source through which he could channel his work.
Diverse in both style and medium, Philip constantly demands and explores new ideas and possibility to express life, to recapture a fleeting moment, to record a time in history and to translate an emotional thought from deep within.